The partner organizations gathered up in Bitola, for the projects’ second real-time meeting.In order to keep us all up-to-date with the activities and project progress, we had online meetings all…
sport talent bitola
Milan, Italy was another experience for our members as a part of sports project Our Colorful Cities with our partners from Poland and also our host this time our Italian partner…
The first international training workshop for the project Our Colorful Cities was held in Wroclaw, Poland. All partners with their participants including ours from ASSA Sport Talent actively participated and…
ЗССД Спорт Талент, во периодов активно работи на неколку меѓународни проекти, пред се во промоција на здрав начин на живеење како дел од секојдневните спортски професионални и аматерски активности. Во…