ASSA Sport Talent with the start of the new year started new official cooperation with another great sports organization from Macedonia, the handball club Feniks from Bitola. Both sides agreed on long-term collaboration and cooperation in more ways, which includes sports management, consulting, representation, and sports nutrition.
However, the main reason for promoting this official long-term collaboration is that Sport Talent, as partner organization of the sports project “Trainer 1.0 Beta”, chose this handball club to implement the procedures and goals of the above mentioned project.
HC Feniks was chosen for the implementation, as the most eligible to co-organize and complete a training course for the young athletes; and, this time for the most popular game in the country, handball. The project “Trainer 1.0 Beta” consists of four sports disciplines and includes experts from ten different European countries.
The most important accent on the whole course is taking the awareness of the young handball players for the dual career problem to a higher level; meaning during their development as professional players, they must pay attention to their education as well. During the training course they will acquire the needed information and knowledge, which leads them to be aware of the common problem in the sports disciplines: “What after my career is over?”. As their amateur or professional career develops, they will be considering another career option, such as the possibility of becoming handball coaches in future, with proper education, sharing their experience and knowledge with the future generations.
The course started on 11-th of January and will finish at the end of this week, but the cooperation in a professional way, just started. It’s always a pleasure to work with professionals in their professions which will produce future professional handball players, especially in the women sector.
Спорт Талент со потпишувањето на официјалната соработка со РК Феникс од Битола, ја довери комплетната имплементација на тренинг курсот Ракомет на една од најреномираните и најефективни ракометни школи и клубови во Македонија. Имено, станува збор за проектот Trainer 1.0 чиј акцент е давање на прави насоки на младите спортисти за и околу двојната кариера. Нивната главна цел преку теоретската и практичната обука е да младите ракометарки и ракометари бидат свесни и да имаат свој планиран “излез” после завршувањето на нивната аматерска или професионална ракометна кариера, т.е. да бидат спремни за предизвиците на понатамошниот нивни општествен и социјален живот и во истиот да продолжат спремни и едуцирани, без разлика дали понатаму ќе останат во спортот или нивните работни обврски ќе бидат насочени во друга дејност.