In a groundbreaking achievement, Project “The Cure” has reached its successful completion, receiving perfect scores in its final evaluation and demonstrating remarkable outcomes in combating Type 2 diabetes through physical…
The partner organizations gathered up in Bitola, for the projects’ second real-time meeting.In order to keep us all up-to-date with the activities and project progress, we had online meetings all…
AC Perugia International Project offers the opportunity to the players coming from all over the world to experience the Italian Soccer Training with Italian licensed coaches and then to be…
Италија како една од светските фудбалски велесили претставува земја каде од оваа година веќе се надоградуваат и развиваат во фудбалски професионалци и четворица македонски фудбалски таленти. Имено, локацијата каде престојуваат…